Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Beefy Mac

Newest fav is beefy Mac. Ground beef (bison is yummy as well), two grated squash, two chopped onions, chopped bell pepper, chopped tomato or two, chopped onion sautéed in 1Tbs coconut oil. Salt, pepper and chili powder to taste. Cook meat then add all veggies (sometimes they are raw, sometimes sautéed....depending on time :). Then add to a box or two of cooked quinoa noodles. YUM!!!


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Sunday, April 10, 2011

FOOD, INC.....oh how I love you, again :)

Just watched Food Inc again while enjoying a vegan burrito bowl from Chipotle.  I started to get sick just thinking about what scene was next but made it through the movie.....Was a great reminder and will help us keep our focus regarding our food.  I think I may need to read Eating Animals again soon....maybe these two items should become my quarterly "prescription" to help fight off all the marketing food companies's so hard to stay on track!

When was the last time you watched Food, Inc (or any other thought provoking food documentary or youtube video).  If not Food Inc what did you watch (I'm always looking for a good flick :)  What books have you read?  Eating Animals is still my favorite food book!!! Have you checked it out? Can you stomach it? Would love some feedback.....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Comfort food

Todays Broccoli salad: 1 apple, 1 carrot, 1 bunch broccoli, 1 bell pepper and a box of organic raisins

Use the following for a dressing....quantities depend on desired consistency :)

Mmmmm, ate this in bed so I didn't have to share!

Rosemary sourdough (sprouts) smothered in sunflower seed butter (amazon, I buy it by the're welcome to buy a jar off me :)

Sunflower seed butter and raw local honey sandwich, grated zucchini and carrot salad and melon balls.....tastes like spring :)

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Burger night

Burger night has become a staple around this house! We LOVE us some red meat (very Texan :)  Cattle raised on native Texas grasses tastes AMAZING! Pretty sure I could eat a pound by myself :) We have had ground beef from many local farmers and Taylor Cooper at Live Stock First Ranch (Coppell Farmers Market) is our favorite.  I was told the flavor of the meat depends on the grass the cows eat....may just compare the grasses one day because we prefer roasts and soup bones from Holy Cow but ground beef from Taylor....happy to have a choice!

Burgers: one pound ground beef, one egg, one bunch of chopped broccoli, 1/4-1/2 cup of flaxseed meal, salt, pepper and garlic powder

cooked in a cast iron skillet with a bit of coconut oil in it for added yumminess :)

Sweet Potato fries!!!  long, skinny variety sweet potatoes (orange, white and yellow!!) sliced long and mixed with sea kelp seasoning and coconut oil.  I usually bake them at 350 for about 30-45 minutes stirring half way through and then broil the last 5-10 minutes.

My burger was wrapped in FABULOUS lettuce from Grandpa Steve's Garden....AMAZING!!!

YUMMY salad with greens from Grandpa Steve's garden, raw sunflower seeds, orange slices and homemade pickled beets (a staple around here!)

Boil beets for about 45 minutes (until soft and skin peels off).  Let cool and then slice.  Boil white vinegar, apple cider vinegar and honey or agave (I do 1/4 white vinegar, 1/4 ACV and 1/4 honey....more of less honey to taste :)  I pour the mixture over the sliced beets in a BPA free storage deal (from costco, wow!)  I add some salt, pepper corns, and 2 bay leaves.  Shake, let sit atleast overnight and ENJOY!!!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Milk Documentary

This should be amazing if it is ever released!!  Hate that $$ and legal threats may stop the truth from being told....If you agree with the project there is a place to help out with the production/release of this challenging film.

Check out the Milk Documentary HERE.  The hubby is so excited!!  
The whole dairy issue is what started our whole journey almost two years ago.....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Not Gluten Free, Just Gluten Consious

People keep asking "oh, you are gluten free?? Are you allergic, do you have celiac?" with this horrible look of pitty on their if we are missing out on something.  GF in this day and age is easy, there are a million FABULOUS substitutions if one needs cakes and cookies....but it also is a great way to increase your fruit and veggie intake and not rely on commercially processed foods.  back to the answer to the common question: No, we are not 100% gluten free, no we are not "allergic" in a "lets go have an allergy prick test" kind of way (which I think is half accurate and the other half crap) and no, Thank God none of us have to worry about Celiac and the very serious nature of it's afflictions.

We eat gluten....LOVE sourdough bread (yummy and fermented foods are fabulous!) and always have a back up loaf or two in the freezer :)  We currently have cereal in the house (fabulous Organic Clifford Crunch, like Lucky Charms without the icky marshmallows).  We also have gluten free alternatives to everyday items that the food industry has decided to add gluten to (boooo, hisssss!)  gluten free pasta, gluten free chips, gluten free flours, salsa, salad dressing, spaghetti sauce, oats and a host of other things. Gluten is even added to cosmetics, medicines, herbals and drinks :/

The issue isn't with gluten itself, it is with America's OUT OF CONTROL USE of gluten in EVERYTHING as an additive :/  The same issue I have with corn and soy.....the American Food Monster has taken an innocent thing and turned it into a cancer causing evil because it's overly processed and then added to EVERYTHING!!!! Seriously, go read the labels of foods in your fridge and pantry.....Corn or a derivative of it is added to just about everything and the same it true for wheat (look under allergies for wheat).  If it doesn't have the "GF" seal on the label is either contains gluten or has been processed in a way that it is probably contaminated with gluten, boooo!!  Think of all the digestive issues present in this day and age: gout, crohns, celiac, ibs....just to name a few.  Now think of all the cancer that impacts the digestive tract!!!  Why do we spend so much money in this country trying to "cure" diseases instead of PREVENTION!!!!!!  Not a soap box I want to deal with tonight, moving on....

"back in the day" gluten in the form of wheat was eaten after the harvest.  It was a fabulous, dense food that stored well for the winter, kept bellies full and bodies nourished in its fabulous, fresh from harvest state.  Because of it's density it is also very taxing on the digestive tract (google a bit and you can find video of what it actually does to the colon when you eat it, the strain is clear! When spring came around most wheat had been enjoyed and it was time to get and plant the next years crop.....during the time that the new crop was growing the body was resting and recovering from feasting on wheat all winter. The body had plenty of time to recoup before it was strained by having to digest gluten again.  In this day and age gluten products are never hard to come by (especially with it being added to EVERYTHING) and our bodies never get a chance to rest and recover from the stress such foods put on our digestive tract....when your gut is out of sync it gets sick, when your gut is sick your body as a whole is so much more susceptible to illness as well.  Diet choice is so important.....and our modern food system makes it so difficult! It really is easiest and safest to just stick to natural, raw foods and limit the processed food.  An adjustment for sure but easy to stick to when you see the amazing results!

You can also google  about harvest diets and people eating stricly what's in healthy for us! Farmers Markets are a great way to keep your choices varied while eating what is fresh, local and being able to talk directly with the farmers verifying the source and quality of the food.  Convenience Foods aren't doing us any favors, I would say they are killing us :/

The incredible, beyond organic, pasture raised, egg

My many egg dishes....we eat a TON of eggs around here!! "Aren't you worried about cholesterol" is the question I often here.  My answer,  not at all! The eggs we buy are laid by hens raised in such a way that the Omega 6 and Omega 3 content actually promotes heart health.  The problem with commercial eggs is they are laid by stressed out, abused animals.  You are eating stress and abuse disguised as an egg (and we all know stress causes us to release harmful hormones...same is true for chickens!)  Our eggs have  amazingly bright yellow yolk that is doesn't fall apart when it hits the pan.  They taste amazingly better than commercial eggs.....we will never go back! When our farmer isn't able to keep up with the demand for eggs we simply don't eat eggs, it's not worth the lesser quality.

"fried" eggs topped with leftover vegan chili.....YUM!!!!

"fried" eggs topped with sauteed red bell peppers

"fried" eggs with spinach and kale topped with salsa

Boring "fried" eggs with sliced pears

Boring "fried" eggs with mango chunks

"fried" eggs with shitake mushrooms and chopped broccoli

**"Boring Eggs" are placed in the cast iron skillet, sprinkled with salt, pepper and whatever else sounds good (curry, BRAGGS Organic Sea Kelp season mix, turmeric, garlic or chili powder).  They cook half way through, I flip them and presto....fabulous eggs with very little work :)

**Fried eggs are simply cooked "over hard" in a seasoned cast iron skillet.  I grew up calling them fried eggs and eating fried egg sandwiches....the name stuck but know that the eggs are not fried in the traditional sense :)

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